Our Mission

Our mission is to "make disciples" by equipping them to...

BELIEVE in Jesus Christ the Son of God and the Bible as the ultimate authority for truth

BELONG to a local church and live out the gospel in community with other followers of Jesus

BECOME like Jesus in the way we live, love, obey and serve the body of Christ at Northside

Go Beyond the walls of NBC to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with our neighbor and the nations.

Northside Baptist Church is a fellowship of Southern Baptists working in full cooperation with the Western Baptist Association and the Georgia Baptist Convention.

Why Southern Baptist, you might ask? Southern Baptists have traditionally been theologically, socially, and biblically conservative and we believe that this position is nearest to the heart of God. Also, Southern Baptists have always placed a significant emphasis on missions.

Since its inception in 1845, the Southern Baptist Convention has remained true to its convictions by the publication of relevant doctrinal statements called the Baptist Faith and Message. The most recent edition was adopted in 2000. This statement of belief most accurately expresses our church’s position on most theological issues. A copy is available for you to read through. Each of the doctrinal statements in the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message is supported by a variety of Scripture references. This document does not replace the Bible, but accurately describes the manner by which we interpret the Bible.

One of the significant principles of being a Southern Baptist is working together with other churches. Northside Baptist is part of an association of 54 Southern Baptist churches throughout Coweta, Heard, and Meriwether Counties. While we are independent of one another, we cooperate with one another to accomplish the Great Commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19 and Acts 1:8. Though not all of us look alike or sound alike, we are all like minded in our desire to share the Gospel in our own neighborhoods and to the ends of the Earth.

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